No aftertaste of its own like grown in India stevia I tried. These Peru pure leaves sweeten without overpowering the tea taste itself. Actually, they bring out the tea flavor, coffee as well if you like sweetened coffee. I throw several leaves into a press together with loose tea leaves and keep getting sweet tea even on the second and third steep. The press plunger easily filters out the leaves along with the tea. Suppose can be easily crushed into powder, but can't imagine why. Locals in Central/South Americas chew the leaves, but do not swallow. Think the fibers are not easily digestible. The powdered stevia is made with chemicals that break down the leaf and stem fiber. Not good. These leaves are all natural and sun dried. To bake a pie, I'd brew leaves in hot water for 3-5 min, then add the sweet liquid to the pie instead of sugar and water. Need to experiment a bit with the amount, but it does not take much. 3 or 4 leaves are plenty for a 16 oz mug of tea for 3 brews. Good value, a lot of leaves for the money.