Té de cedrón

 Más opciones de pago
Libre de gluten Vegano Non-GMO
  • 4oz (115g) de hojas sueltas de cedrón o cidrón.
  • Beneficios: Conocido por sus propiedades calmantes, el cedrón es rico en antioxidantes y aceites esenciales. Es especialmente valorado para para promover la relajación, promover la buena digestión y levantar el ánimo.
  • Cultivado en su lugar de origen, las exuberantes tierras de los Andes, y obtenido de agricultores locales
  • Fácil de preparar: Hervir 4 cucharaditas de hojas de cedrón con 4 tazas de agua para un té más concentrado, o colocar 1 cucharadita en una taza y cubrir con agua hirviendo para una infusión más suave. Para darle un toque extra de sabor, añadir lima, limón, estevia, o miel.


Puro y naturalmente refrescante

Nuestras hojas de cedrón se cultivan en las exuberantes tierras de los Andes, a una altura de 4000 pies (1200 m) por encima del nivel del mar, donde el clima fresco y los suelos fértiles nutren las plantas de manera natural.

Té de cedrón para relajarse y refrescarse

Este té de calidad premium ofrece un sabor refrescante, ligeramente cítrico, que calma los sentidos. Las hojas de cedrón pasan por un meticuloso proceso de secado para retener sus compuestos benefices y antioxidants, así como sus aceites esenciales, haciendo de este té una saludable adición a la rutuna diaria.

¡Nuestro té de cedrón es el complemento perfecto para un estilo de vida saludable!


El té de cedrón de HerbaZest es versátil y fácil de preparar:

  • En una cacerola sobre el fuego (más concentrado)
  • En una taza (más suave)
  • Si lo desea, puede añadir lima o limón y un endulzante natural, como estevia, o miel

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Michael W
Smells Sooooooo Good

- Huge bag of lemon verbena leaves
- Delicious smell and flavor
- Whole leaves
- Some brown leaves and stems mixed in

Everything it claims to be…

I knew this was a 4 oz bag of tea when I ordered it, but the the bag that arrived is so much larger than I expected (approx 10”x5”x1.5” at midpoint), and it’s undoubtedly going to last awhile. The instructions are clear - essentially steep the large tea leaves and then strain (messy), but an infuser works well to eliminate the mess. Adding these leaves to a tea bag is also possible if the leaves and twigs are crumbles a bit first. The tea smells like lemon, tastes like a cross between lemon and maybe a bay leaf, and is pleasant to drink plain or lightly sweetened. The bag came fully sealed, and clearly labeled with the country of origin (Peru), best by (December 2027- so a fresh bag should last almost 2 years), and a lot number. This product appears to be everything it claims to be, and I would recommend it.

Nice loose leaf lemon verbena

These larger leaves will work in a tea pot or in an infuser. Because they are mature full leaves they are a bit large, but they can be easily crush to fit nicely. The taste is somewhat citrus minty. This tea is great for relaxing in the evening! Great value for a large resealable bag. Win!

Candor McMufflekins
better when steeped longer

it's interesting, most teas get more bitter when you steep them longer but in this instance I found it was the other way around, leaving the leaves in forever made the tea much mellower. it's a pleasant taste, lemony of course but also reminiscent of bay leaves. you get whole leaves in a reclosable package.

Earthy tea

I received the HerbaZest Lemon Verbena Tea (Cedron) - 4oz - Premium & 100% Pure Loose Leaves. These are bigger leaves so you’ll need a larger tea infuser to fit them! These tea itself is soothing and earthy. I first tried it without any additions but think I’ll add some stevia sweetener next time. Or honey. This is a large bag and I can see it lasting me a long time. I let it steep for about ten minutes. It comes well sealed and packaged.

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