Camu Camu en Polvo

USDA Organic Libre de gluten Vegano Non-GMO
  • Repleto de nutrientes: El camu camu es conocido por su asombrosa cantidad de vitamina C y otros compuestos antioxidantes.
  • Cultivado en su lugar de origen: La Amazonía peruana, 100 % natural y obtenido directamente de agricultores locales.
  • Camu camu 100 % puro: Vegano, certificación orgánica por la USDA, libre de gluten y sin GMO.
  • Versátil y fácil de usar: Es un excelente complemento nutricional para batidos y jugos, yogures, bocadillos y postres, helados y paletas heladas y ¡Mucho más!


Superalimento orgánico y puro

Nuestro camu camu se obtiene de las riberas de los ríos de la selva amazónica peruana, su lugar de origen. Este fruto crece mejor en suelos ricos de climas tropicales con abundante agua.

Altamente concentrado para una máxima absorción

Los frutos redondos del camu camu se someten a un proceso de deshidratación orgánica, lo que les permite conservar sus características nutricionales. Luego, se muelen finamente para crear un producto rico en nutrientes.

¡Una excelente opción para un estilo de vida activo!


El camu camu en polvo de HerbaZest es naturalmente rico en nutrientes esenciales, de modo que se requiere solo una pequeña cantidad para aprovechar todos sus beneficios. Se puede añadir fácilmente a diversas comidas, tales como:

  • Batidos y jugos
  • Bocadillos y postres
  • Yogures y helados

Customer Reviews

Based on 117 reviews
Good stuff

Supposed to be high in natural vitamin C. I use it in my smoothies.

Francisco J. Merino
Just ok

Taste really bitter, hopefully is the real deal at least.

Christina B.
High quality Vit C

This Camu Camu powder is from the berries, which is important. Some companies are using the leaves, and not the berry. The berry is where you get the high dose of vitamins. In 1 teaspoon, Vit C is 760% and Vit B3 (niacin) is 28%, which is amazing!!! Suggestion; whisk in carrot juice-thicker juices or in a smoothie for best results. Dried berries w/high nutrients tend to be bitter, but you should acquire a taste for it because the health benefits should be certainly worth it!

Natividad velasquez
Loose leaf

This is a loose leaf tea do youll need a tea strainer

Love this Product!!!

I cannot say enough good things about this camu camu powder! I have been taking it for years, everyone around me that doesn't take it seems to get sick at least a few times or more a year. I can say, since I started taking camu camu over 8 years ago, I NEVER GET SICK!! Even when I am around completely germy sick people! For anyone that doesn't like the taste, I recommend doing as I do and putting the powder into pill form. I buy empty veggie capsules and have a pill maker I purchased off of amazon after my old one my mom gave me broke last year and I just pill up the powder and swallow 2 pills each morning with water. If I am going to be around people that are sick or I am worried about getting sick I just take 2 in the morning and 2 at night before bed. Making them into pills is the only way I can deal with the taste and it is super simple to make them and the bag of powder makes a ton of pills!
