Quinua en Hojuelas

- Buen contenido de proteína: Su riqueza en aminoácidos esenciales y otros nutrientes convierte a la quinua en hojuelas en una opción rápida y sencilla para una comida completa.
- Quinua premium: Vegana, certificación orgánica por la USDA, libre de gluten y sin GMO.
- Cultivada en su lugar de origen: Los Andes peruanos y obtenida directamente de agricultores locales.
- Fácil de usar: Un excelente complemento nutricional para yogures y cereales, granola y muesli, batidos, bocadillos, postres y ¡Mucho más!
Superalimento orgánico y puro
Nuestra quinua de la más alta calidad se cosecha en tierras altas de los Andes peruanos, su lugar de origen. Los suelos ricos y el clima subtropical crean las condiciones ideales para su crecimiento.
Una opción rápida y sencilla para una comida completa
Al someterla a un procesamiento mínimo, que consiste únicamente en aplanar las semillas de quinua crudas, logramos preservar sus características nutricionales y obtener hojuelas tan versátiles como deliciosas.
¡Una gran opción para un estilo de vida activo!
La quinua en hojuelas de HerbaZest es nutritiva, así como rápida y fácil de preparar, ideal para comidas saludables. Debido a su agradable sabor y textura, es sencilla de incorporar a la rutina diaria en diversas comidas, tales como:
- Yogures y mazamorras
- Granola y muesli
- Bocadillos y postres
- Batidos en bol
Great for making my homemade granola.
Convenient purchase at a good price.
I've been experimenting with this ingredient in my cooking for a few weeks now, and it's been quite an adventure! I initially ordered it with the intention of making some changes to my recipes, and I even found a cookie recipe online that I wanted to try. When I first tasted the ingredient on its own, I wasn't a big fan, but I didn't give up. I started adding different things, like honey and strawberries, and the combination could have been better! It might not completely replace my beloved oatmeal, but it's a great option when I'm trying to eat healthier. I also tried adding it to spaghetti sauce, and it didn't change the taste at all. I still have to try the original recipe I found, but I'm pretty happy with the quality, even though the price is steep for 2 lbs. HerbaZest Quinoa Flakes (2 LB) - USDA Certified Organic - Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten Free
Quinoa Flakes are a welcome addition to my food pantry. There are so many uses from baking and cerea to use as a thickener. Plus it is organic and gluten free. What is not to love. And there are additional uses on the back of the bag. That is. a great price for such a big bag. HerbaZest Quinoa Flakes (2 LB) - USDA Certified Organic - Vegan, Non-GMO & Gluten Free
I've been using this for the past week in multiple dishes, and it seems on par with most other quinoa flakes that i've tried. I actually prefer whole quinoa over the flakes. The quality is good, and you get 2lbs total. That's a nice amount, but I still feel for being quinoa, the price might be a bit steep. You can use the flakes in many different type of dishes of course, to get a boost in nutrition. Well done, price is a bit high though.