Semillas de Sacha Inchi

- RICOS EN OMEGAS Y PROTEINA: Excelente fuente de proteína completa para el crecimiento muscular, ácidos grasos omega-3, -6 y -9 y fibra dietética.
- Semillas de Sacha Inchi Tostadas PREMIUM: Vegano, USDA Certificado Orgánico, Libre de Gluten y Libre de GMO.
- CULTIVADO EN SU LUGAR DE ORIGEN, la selva amazónica del Perú, y se obtiene directamente de los agricultores.
- VERSÁTIL Y FÁCILES DE USAR: Junto con su increíble perfil nutricional, textura crujiente y agradable sabor son snacks saludables por sí solos, así como una excelente adición a mezclas de nueces, alimentos horneados y no horneados, ensaladas, platos salados ¡y más!
Superalimento 100% Orgánico & Puro
Obtenemos el sacha inchi de la más alta calidad de la selva amazónica del Perú, su lugar de origen. Ahí, el clima tropical con suelos fértiles y un amplio suministro de agua crea las condiciones ideales para que prospere.
Snack Rico En Omegas y Proteína
Nuestras semillas de sacha inchi son tostadas orgánicamente. Este mínimo procesamiento garantiza que conserven su increíble perfil nutricional y al mismo tiempo hace a las semillas agradablemente crujientes con un intenso sabor.
¡Una gran adición para tu activo estilo de vida!
Las Semillas de Sacha Inchi HerbaZest pueden convertir las meriendas o comidas en alimentos nutritivos por su alto contenido de proteína y omegas. Además, aportan una agradable textura crujiente e intenso sabor a una variedad de preparaciones, como:
- Snacks y mezclas de nueces
- Alimentos horneados y no horneados
- Ensaladas y platos salados
- Yogurt y cereal
So I bought these seeds/nuts after learning about the health benefits from eating them. Proteins, loads of omegas 3,6, and 9, helping to regulate metabolic responses, etc. I give 5 stars because the package is nice and thick, as in not easily ripped and sturdy for shipping. I won't rate based on taste, because that's no fault of the manufacturer. It's just the natural taste of the seeds...they taste like raw earth. Literally like dirt with a bit of nuttiness. But I already knew that going into my purchase. That being said, I decided to put mine into a coffee bean grinder on the "fine" setting, and mix the grounds into different things, like peanut butter, a chocolate protein shake, etc to hide the flavor. That really helps A LOT! If you are buying these seeds, or the sacha inchi oil, I assume you already know of the health benefits. If not, I urge you to research it and see the awesome benefits these seeds carry with them.
Some people call them seeds, some people call them nuts. Well all nuts are seeds. They are very crunchy, they don’t have a flavour really. However, they are full of protein, and my body really likes them for an energy boost. It was the ancient Inca race that cultivated these.
Just found out about Sacha Inchi & their health benefits & thought I'd give them a try. Very mild taste- Kinda taste and look at bit like flattened IMacadamia nuts. I really like the "crunchiness" and the fact they don't have any salt added. I'll definitely be ordering them again.
Tastes ok. Better if you bake on some cinnamon and or clove. Keeps me in ketosis.
Peruvian PNut with health benefits.