Té de cedrón

Libre de gluten Vegano Non-GMO
  • Puro y premium: Contiene hojas sueltas de cedrón de alta calidad. Es vegano, libre de gluten y GMO, sin aditivos ni conservantes.
  • Beneficios naturales: Conocido por sus propiedades calmantes, el cedrón es rico en antioxidantes y aceites esenciales. Es apreciado por promover la relajación, favorecer la digestión y mejorar el estado de ánimo.
  • Cultivado en su lugar de origen: Las regiones del altiplano andino y obtenido directamente de agricultores locales.
  • Fácil de preparar: Disfrútelo hirviendo a fuego lento 4 cucharaditas de hojas de cedrón en 4 tazas de agua para una infusión más fuerte, o dejando infusionar 1 cucharadita en una taza de agua hirviendo para un té más suave. Agregue lima o limón, y endulce a gusto con estevia o miel.


100% puro y naturalmente refrescante

Nuestras hojas puras de cedrón se cultivan en la sierra andina, donde un clima fresco y suelos fértiles nutren las plantas de forma natural.

Té de cedrón para relajarse y refrescarse

Esta infusión ofrece un refrescante sabor cítrico que apacigua los sentidos. Las hojas de cedrón se someten a un meticuloso proceso para conservar sus antioxidantes, compuestos beneficiosos y aceites esenciales.

¡Una gran opción para un estilo de vida saludable!


El té de cedrón de HerbaZest es muy fácil de preparar:

  • En una cacerola sobre la estufa (té más fuerte)
  • En una taza (té más suave)
  • Si se desea, añadir lima o limón y algún edulcorante, como estevia o miel

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
It's just tea! Enjoy!

It tastes good, smells great and MUCH bigger than I thought it would be! You will need a large tea strainer, or an herb grinder to use these leaves though so be ware these are not small leaves. I would suggest the herb grinder route as it means you can use pretty much any tea strainer.

Michael W
Smells Sooooooo Good

- Huge bag of lemon verbena leaves
- Delicious smell and flavor
- Whole leaves
- Some brown leaves and stems mixed in

Everything it claims to be…

I knew this was a 4 oz bag of tea when I ordered it, but the the bag that arrived is so much larger than I expected (approx 10”x5”x1.5” at midpoint), and it’s undoubtedly going to last awhile. The instructions are clear - essentially steep the large tea leaves and then strain (messy), but an infuser works well to eliminate the mess. Adding these leaves to a tea bag is also possible if the leaves and twigs are crumbles a bit first. The tea smells like lemon, tastes like a cross between lemon and maybe a bay leaf, and is pleasant to drink plain or lightly sweetened. The bag came fully sealed, and clearly labeled with the country of origin (Peru), best by (December 2027- so a fresh bag should last almost 2 years), and a lot number. This product appears to be everything it claims to be, and I would recommend it.

Nice loose leaf lemon verbena

These larger leaves will work in a tea pot or in an infuser. Because they are mature full leaves they are a bit large, but they can be easily crush to fit nicely. The taste is somewhat citrus minty. This tea is great for relaxing in the evening! Great value for a large resealable bag. Win!

Candor McMufflekins
better when steeped longer

it's interesting, most teas get more bitter when you steep them longer but in this instance I found it was the other way around, leaving the leaves in forever made the tea much mellower. it's a pleasant taste, lemony of course but also reminiscent of bay leaves. you get whole leaves in a reclosable package.
