Té de Ortiga

 Más opciones de pago
Cocechado a mano Libre de gluten Vegano Non-GMO
  • Puro y silvestre: Elaborado con un solo ingrediente: hojas, raíces y tallos de ortiga de primera calidad, sin aditivos ni conservantes. Es vegano, libre de GMO y de alérgenos comunes.
  • Cultivado en su lugar de origen: Los Andes peruanos y obtenido directamente de agricultores locales.
  • Beneficios naturales: El té de ortiga tiene numerosos usos tradicionales, muchos de los cuales han sido validados por investigaciones modernas.
  • Fácil de usar: Para un té más concentrado, coloque 4 cucharaditas de hojas de ortiga en una cacerola con 4 tazas de agua y llévelo a ebullición. Reduzca el fuego y deje hervir a fuego lento durante 10-12 minutos. Cuélelo y disfrute. También puede prepararlo añadiendo 1 cucharadita de hojas a una taza y vertiendo agua hirviendo sobre ellas para preparar una infusión.


100% superalimento puro

Nuestra ortiga se cultiva de forma silvestre en las laderas prístinas de los Andes peruanos. Se cosecha antes de que florezca para garantizar un sabor óptimo y una mayor concentración de compuestos beneficiosos.

Puro té de ortiga

Tras la recolección manual de la ortiga silvestre, las hojas, tallos y raíces se someten a un proceso orgánico de secado, triturado y tamizado. El refrescante té de ortiga que se obtiene es rico en compuestos beneficiosos y está listo para preparar.

¡Una gran opción para un estilo de vida saludable!


El té de ortiga de HerbaZest tiene un sabor suave y terroso, más suave y menos amargo que el té verde, lo que lo convierte en una excelente opción sin cafeína. Puedes prepararlo con la intensidad que prefieras de dos maneras:

  • En una cacerola sobre la estufa (té más fuerte)
  • En una taza de té (té más suave)
  • Si se desea, agregar lima o limón y endulzar al gusto con estevia o miel.

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Crystal S
Love it!!!

I love this herbal tea! Tastes great!


Nettle tea is great for its antiinflammatory properties as well as lowering blood pressure. I have brewed this product several times in a tea ball. It has a nice mild taste compared to others I have tried. I recommend adding a bit of honey as well. The tea was well sealed in a heavy duty bag and very fresh.

Tasted better than it bought it would

I wasn’t expecting this to taste good. I expected it to taste like grass or something green. But it surprised me. It had a pleasant, light flavor that I can’t quite describe. I added honey as a sweetener, and the tea had a creaminess to it I’ve never experienced before. Bag is made of thick plastic and is re-sealable. Using one teaspoon for a cup of tea, this is going to last a long, long time. I also love that it’s caffeine free, so I can drink it any time of the day and won’t be awake all night.

Ted the IT guy
Interesting tea to say the least

I had heard of Nettle tea, but I had never tried it before today. I was a little surprised by the size of the bag - 8oz is a pretty significant amount of this tea. It was securely vacuum-packed so it was still very fresh when I opened the bag. To be honest, my first thought when I opened the package was "Hmm, lawn clippings?", but I gave it the benefit of the doubt and brewed myself a cup of this Nettle tea anyway. The resulting cup of tea looked and smelled very "green" and the unmodified taste left a bit to be desired. Adding a little honey really helped the flavor immensely, so the final result was very drinkable. I suspect it would also be good with a little brown sugar. I can't speak to the health effects of this tea, but as a basic green tea, it's not bad and I will certainly make myself another cup. I certainly have plenty of tea to drink.

I am pleased with this wild nettle tea (leaf, stem and pieces)

This nettle tea is a good addition to my herbal tea stash. I like that it's wild crafted and nettle is supposed to have many benefits. It came promptly well packaged with a healthy exp date. Recommended

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